BHRA AGM – Wednesday 19th October 2022

Your Residents Association A.G.M. – 7.30pm Wednesday 19th October at Biggin Hill New Life Church

Bright Sparks Performers say thank you to BHRA

The children in the Elite team at Bright Sparks Performers Theatre & Dance Academy would like to say a huge thank you to Biggin Hill Residents Association for sponsoring them for one of their biggest events this year! We couldn’t have done it without you! ❤️💙

Car Treasure Hunt and Carvery Lunch – Sunday 24th April

Sunday 24th April 2022 – car treasure hunt starting 10 a.m. followed by a carvery lunch at Blundell’s at 1:30 pm.

£15 per adult / £7.50 per child *under 12

Advance sales only. See staff at Blundell’s or call 01959 573 240 to book.

Biggin Hill Platinum Jubilee Street Party – Friday 3rd June 2022 – 12 to 5 pm

We’re delighted to tell you plans are now well underway to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We’re helping to organise a Traditional Street Party in Main Road on the afternoon of Friday 3 June. The road will be closed to vehicles, except in an emergency, between the traffic lights at Lebanon Gardens and Haig Road

There will be music from Fairchildes School Steel Band (some of you may remember them from last years’ Biggin Hill Carnival), along with street entertainers, competitions and activities for the little ones. Be assured, the event will be adequately stewarded and Main Road will be festooned in red, white and blue decorations. The party itself is free and there’s no need to book. 

Just turn up with your own picnic, or purchase food and drink from the number of local businesses that will be open on the day. We’ll be setting up tables for families to sit at, but you’ll need to bring your own chairs, or why not bring a blanket and sit on the grass verges? We ask you to please leave your dogs at home. 

We hope everyone has a fantastic time.

Let’s make this a day to remember and fingers crossed the sun shines!

Litter Pick – Sunday 23rd January 2022

BHRA Christmas Greetings

St Mark’s Church, one of the centres of our Community. And where we will be holding our celebration of Robbie Burns and all things Scottish on Saturday 29th January. Some tickets remain for this joint enterprise with St Marks.

We thank you for your support over the last 12 difficult months. We exist to support and help our Community. You are all central to what we do. Please! Please! Help us to increase our membership by talking to your neighbours and friends about what we do. More members mean more money which we can invest in our Village and residents.

Your Committee wish you a safe & happy Christmas followed by a good New Year.

Minutes of the BHACC meeting – 28 October 2021

The minutes from the latest BIGGIN HILL AIRPORT CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE (BHACC) are attached for general public viewing and interest. Please click on the document below to open and see full information.

Halloween Quiz – Saturday 30th October 2021

Remembrance Sunday 2021 – Sponsor A Poppy

AGM 2021 – Your invitation!

Biggin Hill Residents Association AGM: Wednesday 20 October 2021 at 7:30pm

This years’ Annual General Meeting will be held in the New Life Church Main Road Biggin Hill, on Wednesday 20 October. Start time is 7:30pm and we’d love you to join us.
As numbers are limited, please book-in by via this link:

Biggin Hill Residents’ Association – AGM – Sign Up
We’re delighted to announce our speaker this year is Peter Monk, owner of the Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar. Some of you may have seen the recent TV programme which featured the amazing work Peter and his team undertake to restore our iconic WWII aircraft. Come and hear from him first-hand about the world’s largest working facility dedicated to the operation, maintenance and restoration of Spitfire aircraft. It’s sure to be a great night. 
We look forward to seeing you and we hope you’ll stay for some cheese and biscuits afterwards. Can we please ask you to wear a mask when moving around inside the church, unless you’re exempt on medical grounds? 
Also, just to note, as usual we’ll be flooding the village again this year with poppies to commemorate Remembrance Day. With COVID restrictions now eased, we’ll be outside the New Life Church in the lead up to Remembrance Sunday with our pop up shop, asking residents to sponsor a poppy and collecting donations for the Royal British Legions Poppy Appeal. Please give generously to this wonderful organisation. 
With very best regards from the Biggin Hill Residents Association Committee

Car Treasure Trail and Hunt – Sunday 3rd October 2021 – 14:00 starts at Blundell’s (POSTPONED)

‘Lazy Bones’ Boot Sale

Sunday 22nd August – 12 p.m. at Blundell’s, Jail Lane,TN16 3AU

Seller from 11:30

Biggin Hill Top and Valley Litter Pick – Monday 3rd May 2021

Nature Art Butterfly making FREE event on Zoom

WILD WEDNESDAY Nature Art Butterflies | London Wildlife Trust

Join Laura from the Brilliant Butterflies team who will guide you step by step to create your very own nature art butterfly!

Date – Wednesday 23 December 2020

Time 4:30pm – 5:30pm

About the event

Fun and easy to make for all ages. It can even be turned into a Christmas tree decoration!

You will need:

• 1 thin stick (for the body)

• 2 thinner twigs / berries with their stalks (for antennae)

• A handful of leaves (ideally a few matching pairs for wings)

• Pinecones / shells for decoration

• Glue stick / PVA glue

• A4 paper

• Scissors

• Hole puncher and string (if you want to make into a tree decoration)

This workshop will be delivered online via Zoom.

Please contact if you have any other questions.

Bob Shekyls Achievement Award for Young People 2020

Bob Shekyls was a much-respected local Councillor for 12 years, between 1994 and 2006, and sadly passed away a few years ago. In normal circumstances, in memory of Bob, the Residents Association invites locals to nominate young people under the age of 25 who live, go to school or work in the area, for the annual Bob Shekyls Achievement Award for Young People. 

I’m sure we’re all agreed that 2020 has been a very strange year and so, with that in mind, the Biggin Hill Residents Association committee has decided that this year, the Bob Shekyls Award should be given to people in recognition of their contribution to helping our local community. 

We’re therefore delighted to announce that Bob’s award will be given to the wonderful organisers of Biggin Hill’s Covid-19 Mutual Aid Team. Jo Ryan, Louise Bell, Simon Turner and Jordan Brown have all worked tirelessly to recruit and coordinate 120 local volunteers who, in turn, completed over 720 requests for shopping and collecting medication for vulnerable and shielding people in our community. You’ve done a fantastic job guys and we’re all really proud of you! 

In celebration of this amazing achievement and to reflect the spirit of giving, the committee will be awarding £100 each to Biggin Hill and Oaklands Primary Schools. 

2020 will be remembered in many ways and we hope this year’s award will help us recall all those simple acts of kindness that made all the difference to people’s lives. 

Residents Association Autumn 2020 News Round-Up

Autumn News Round-Up from the Committee

Hi everyone!

It’s been great to see our village busy and buzzing again these past couple of months. The virus hasn’t gone away and life certainly isn’t ‘normal’, but we continue to go about our day to day lives as best we can, supporting local shops and businesses. We’ve resumed our monthly committee meetings, albeit via Zoom rather than face to face and, whilst our summer plans had to be cancelled, we’re making a few tentative plans for the autumn (fingers crossed).

Firstly, we want to let you know that, due to the ‘Rule of 6’, our annual AGM in October is cancelled. The existing committee will continue to serve until an AGM can be arranged, hopefully in the spring. A sad sign of our times, I’m afraid, but, in the meantime, here’s a brief update for you.  

Message from our Chairman, Peter Martin 

It’s trying times like these that make me feel grateful for friends, neighbours and our community. In some ways the situation we’ve found ourselves in has made our community much more resilient and the ‘village’ atmosphere is stronger than ever. We here at the Residents Association have done what we can to assist in the day-to-day business of local activities throughout the summer and are making plans for when things return to normal. I feel that whatever fate decides to throw at us over the next few months will be dealt with through our spirit of community and our ability to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On!’     

Finance update from our treasurer, Graham Savage

Pending the final detailed accounts, we have total reserves of £1960. During the year we received £1085 of membership fees, had a surplus of £270 from the two social events we were able to hold, and approximately £200 profit from merchandise sales. Full accounts will be available for the AGM. 

Litter Pick  

We’re organising a litter pick on Sunday 4 October at 10:30am and invite you to join us, observing all the social distancing rules of course! Equipment will be provided. Just turn up outside Waitrose or at Roundways in the valley. It’s a great opportunity to get some exercise and do something good for your community. 


It’s become something of a tradition that we do our best to support The Royal British Legion and demonstrate our gratitude to those who have given all for us in conflicts in the past and those going on at the present. Therefore, as usual, we will be flooding the village with poppies to commemorate Remembrance Day and we’ll be out and about on the weekend of 24 October, putting them up on lamp posts. Unfortunately, because of restrictions on gatherings, we can’t have our normal stand outside the New Life Church, where we ask you to sponsor a poppy and collect donations for the Royal British Legions Poppy Appeal. Instead, we ask you to dig deep and give generously direct to the appeal yourselves, by buying a poppy in person or making a donation online at  

Finally, if you know of a local group or organisation that could benefit from a donation or indeed, our help, then please get in touch. Email us at or by phoning Peter on 07763 215037.