Below are a list of local phone numbers that may prove useful. If you have any others then please send to Please also let me know of any errors or changes, thank you.
Age UK -Bromley and Greenwich | 02083151850 |
Benefit Enquiry Line | 0800882200 |
Biggin Hill Aperfield W.I. | 01959571360 |
Biggin Hill Community Care Association | 01959577400 |
Biggin Hill Councillors : Melanie Stevens | 07900171266 |
Biggin Hill Councillors : Sophie Dunbar | 07929365228 |
Biggin Hill Councillors : Jonathan Andrews (Darwin) | 07811313559 |
Biggin Hill Evening W.I. | 01959700973 |
Biggin Hill Horticultural Society | 01959575799 |
Biggin Hill Library | 01959528053 |
Biggin Hill Musical Theatre Company | 01959701829 |
Biggin Hill Residents Association | 07763215037 |
Biggin Hill Rangers, Guides, Brownies and Rainbows | 01959575717 |
Biggin Hill Romanian Group | 07802575417 |
Biggin Hill Scout Group | 07983447721 |
Biggin Hill Society | 01959572569 |
Bromley Council – Office Hours | 02084643333 |
Bromley Council – Emergency Out of Hours | 03003038671 |
Bromley Social Services – child referrals | 02084617373 |
Bromley Social Services – adult referrals | 02084617777 |
Childline (confidential helpline for children) | 08001111 (24hr) |
Citizen’s Advice Bureau (Bromley) | 02083151940 |
Community Links, Bromley | 02083151900 |
Crimestoppers | 0800555111 |
Dial-a-ride (For registration and enquiries) | 03432227777 |
Doctor’s surgery – Norheads Lane Surgery | 01959574488 |
Doctor’s surgery – Stock Hill Surgery | 01959580011 |
Domestic Violence 24hr Helpline | 08082000247 |
Electrical power cut – to be connected to the local network operator | 105 |
FOAL Farm – Friends of Animals League | 01959572386 |
GAS emergency – 24hr freephone | 0800111999 |
National Childbirth Trust – Biggin Hill | 01959572209 or 01959701765 |
New Life Church | 01959571667 |
NHS Helpline when you need medical advice | 111 |
Police – non emergency reporting | 101 |
Police – Local Safer Neighbourhood Team | 02087212820 |
Princess Royal University Hospital | 01689863000 |
RAF Biggin Hill Memorial Museum and Chapel | 01959422414 |
St Mark’s Parish Office | 01959577816 |
Schools – Biggin Hill Primary | 01959575846 |
Schools – Charles Darwin Secondary | 01959574043 |
Schools – Cudham Primary | 01959572673 |
Schools – Oaklands Primary | 01959573963 |
Schools – Tatsfield Primary | 01959577356 |
Samaritans – Local branch | 01689833000 |
Samaritans – 24 hour | 08457909090 |
Samaritans – Text phone for hard of hearing | 08457909192 |
Spitfire Youth Centre | 01959574835 |
St John Ambulance | 01959701281 |
Thames Water | 08459200800 |
Trading Standards Rogue Traders Rapid Response | 07903852090 |
Valley Hall Community Association | 01959573917 or 01959570020 |
Victim Support Scheme | 02087767071 |
Westerham Hill Baptist Church | 01732867516 |